3 Practical Takeaways

Effective Intervention for Teaching Zippering

cHow do you teach a multistep functional task such as zippering? Use evidence-informed strategies!


Good bye, zipper boards! Hello, modified zippering vest! This work by Silverman et al (2021) combined Universal Design for Learning, environmental targeting, and occupational practice to develop an effective program to teaching zippering functionally and creatively! We hope you read the full article to see the modified zippering vest they created, the text of the story that accompanied the vest, and the targeted verbal prompts for practice.


We include in our #3PracticalTakeaways lessons we can apply from this study to our every day therapy interventions.

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Silverman, F., Knight, C., & Grasso, A. (2021). Efficacy of an Intervention to Teach Zippering: A Two-Group Control Study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(2), 7502205010p1-7502205010p9.

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