3 Practical Takeaways

How Can You Promote Play in Children with Autism?

Do you work with children with autism? How can you promote play skills? 


I love that newer articles are focusing on participation and occupation such as play, instead of splinter skills.Here are #3Practical Takeaways from a Systematic Review by Kuhaneck (2020), of occupational, physical and speech therapy interventions that work, in the order of strength of evidence (#1 having the highest). Incorporate 1 or all 3 in your interventions.


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Kuhaneck, H., Spitzer, S. L., & Bodison, S. C. (2020). A systematic review of interventions to improve the occupation of play in children with autism. OTJR: occupation, participation and health40(2), 83-98.

More Practical Takeaways

#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Chen et al (2021) on shifting our focus to promote social participation for neurodivergent students
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by hunt et al (2021) on stakeholders' awareness of developmental coordination disorder
#3PracticalTakeawaysfrom the article by Keller et al (2021) on how much spasticity, strength, upper extremity (UE) control and trunk control contributes to self-care performance.

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