Cindy Dodds, PT, PhD
Cindy Dodds, PT, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina’s College of Health Professions. Her clinical and research interest focus on children with medical complexity. Her passion in this area has led her to become a co-founder of a public charter school serving children with multiple disabilities. She is one author of the Pediatric Awareness and Sensory Motor Assessment, and is currently examining its validity using heart rate variability. Cindy was the 2018 MUSC recipient of the MUSC Teaching Excellence Award in the category of Educator-Mentor in 2018.
- Humanities-based intervention with children having complex disabilities
- Decreasing sedentary behaviors in children with complex disabilities
- Heart rate variability in children with complex disabilities
- Dodds, C.B. (2019, April) Serving Students with Multiple Needs: Multiple Abilities for Multiple Needs. Rivers Area Educational Agency. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
- Dodds, C.B. (2019, April) Goal Attainment Scaling Made Easy. Rivers Area Educational Agency. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
- Dodds, C.B. (2019, March) School Based Physical and Occupational Therapy Assessment for Students with Complex Disabilities. Virginal Occupational Therapy Association. Harrisburg, Virginia.
- Dodds, C.B., Brown, N. (January 2019) Humanities: Instruction Strategies and Associated Measurement in DPT Education. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Washington, DC.
- Dodds, C.B., Zapf, S. (November 2018) Participation Focus for Children with Complex Disability. North Carolina Institute: Conference of Exceptional Children. Greensboro, NC.
- Dodds, C.B., Gaffney, E., Bartleson, L. (November 2018) Creating and Measuring Goals using Goal Attainment Scaling. APTA Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference. Chattanooga, TN
- Rempel, G., Dodds, C.B., Barton, B., Jones, M. G. (October 2018) Right to Eat? Can Training Caregivers Improve Participation in Feeding for Children with Cerebral Palsy? American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Annual Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
- Coker, P.; Karakostas, T.; Dodds, C.; Hsiang, S. Gait Characteristics of Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Before and After Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2001; 32(5): 402-8.
- Dodds, C.B., Bjornson, K. Sweeney, J., Narayanan, U. The Effects of Supported Physical Activity on Parental-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Medical Complexity. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2015; 8(2):83-94.
- Dodds, C.B., Bjornson, K. Sweeney, J., Narayanan, U. The Effects of Supported Physical Activity on Parental-Reported Sleep Qualities and Pain Severity in Children with Medical Complexity. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016; 9: 195-206.
- Cormack, C.L., Edlund, B. Garber, K., Cristaldi, K., Dodds, C.B., Implementing School-based Telehealth for Children with Medical Complexity. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016; 9.
- Dodds, C.B., Rempel, G. Commentary: A Quality of Life Model Promotes Enablement for Children with Medical Complexity. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016; 9.
- Hong, I., Dodds, C.B., Coker-Bolt, P., Simpkins, A.N., Velozo, C.A. How Accurately Do Parents and Health Care Professionals Assess Overweight in Children? Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2017; 29(3), 283-285. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000403
- Dodds, C.B., Detterbeck, E., Passo, D., Hammond, S., Rudisill, R., Phillips, S. Eye Spy for Physical Therapy Graduate Education: A Collaboration with Gibbes Museum of Art. Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation, Fall, 2018.
- Gaffney E., Gaffney K., Bartleson L., Dodds, C. Goal Attainment Scaling Made Easy with an App: GOALed. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2018. Accepted.