3 Practical Takeaways

From Evidence to Practice...Without Delay!

It takes time to find evidence that is relevant to pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech language pathology. So, Apply EBP took upon a project of creating “3 Practical Takeaways” infographics from noteworthy research articles. Surely there are more than 3 takeaways from each article. So, we hope to inspire you to read the source article and come up with your additional takeaways. Click an infographic below to visit the webpage where you can download a full-sized version to print or share, plus a link to the source article. 

Health Condition
Health Condition
Age Group
Age Group
ICF Domain
ICF Domain
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Ford et al (2022) to promote occupational therapy via occupation-centered practice
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Steinbrenner et al (2020) on the impact of exercise to school readiness in ASD
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Eliasson et al (2022) on the development of hand use for children with unilateral CP.
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Tepper et al (2022) on the relationship of chores and executive functions...and its application
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Savina (2020) on self-regulation strategies in classrooms
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Barneet and Prunty (2021) on handwriting assessment and intervention recommendations in DCD
#3PracticalTakeaways based on the systematic review of Jackman et al (2020) on the effectiveness and cost of different upper limb training approaches for children with cerebral palsy
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Leech et al (2022) of 4 motor learning mechanisms you can leverage to design targeted interventions
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Bray et al (2021) on handwriting & spelling interventions in children with specific Learning disabilities
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Adolph et al (2018)) on lessons learned from infant motor skill development
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by hunt et al (2021) on stakeholders' awareness of developmental coordination disorder
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Caldwell et al (2022) on school-based PT dosage differences
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Robson et al (2020) on how self-regulation in children predicts future outcomes
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Öhrvall et al (2020) on what clients think when they are given more control of their own interventions
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Chen et al (2021) on shifting our focus to promote social participation for neurodivergent students
#3PracticalTakeawaysfrom the article by Keller et al (2021) on how much spasticity, strength, upper extremity (UE) control and trunk control contributes to self-care performance.
#3PracticalTakeaways, we share with you our Unexpected, the Red Flag, and the Easily Modifiable lessons from the article by Cameron et al (2021) on the factors that are associated with decreased participation in pre-K children who were born pre-term.
#3PracticalTakeaways on what goals children would set for themselves if they were given a chance, based on the work of Metzler et al (2021).
#3PracticalTakeaways for determining whether we are providing evidence-based interventions, based on the work of Bailes et al (2021).
#3PracticalTakeaways for therapy dosing evidence for upper limb training for children with cerebral palsy based on the systematic review of Jackman et al (2020).
Apply EBP's #3PracticalTakeaways from the work of Silverman et al (2021) on an effective way to teach children zippering skills, created by occupational therapists and speech language pathologists.
This work by Wentz, et al (2021) encourages a shift in occupational therapy and physical therapy practice towards focusing on participation of children with Down Syndrome.
Let’s design physical exercise programs that are intentional and evidence-informed! If the goal of the therapy program is bone health, look no further than this work of Gannoti et al (2021).
#3PracticalTakeaways to be aware of and apply targeted therapy interventions for comorbidities such as autism and ADHD in CP. From the work of Pahlman et al (2020).
Your go-to infographic on the difference between school-based and medical occupational, physical and speech therapy services.
#3PracticalTakeaways of occupational, physical and speech therapy interventions that promote play in children with autism. From the work of Kuhaneck (2020).
#3PracticalTakeaways on measuring the effectiveness of our therapy interventions in school, at home and in the clinic.
#3Practical Takeaways on effective therapy interventions for teaching children with disabilities chores at home.
#3PracticalTakeaways on occupational, physical and speech therapy interventions to achieve positive parent outcomes. Try coaching, mindfulness and group training.
#3PracticalTakeaways to know if you are providing functional occupational, physical or speech therapy.
#3PracticalTakeaways from Palisano et al (2020) includes 2 free tools for occupational and physical therapy practitioners to measure and monitor teaching of self care skills.
#3PracticalTakeaways from Laverdure and Beisbier (2021) includes effective interventions for teaching ADL, play and leisure skills via occupational and physical therapy.
#3PracticalTakeaways of therapy recommendations for assessment and interventions for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Live and On-Demand Courses

Apply EBP - Predicting the Future CP 450
CP: Predicting the Future
Alyssa LaForme Fiss, PT, PhD
Individual Webinar
1.5 Hour
OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs & Educators
Intermediate Level
Apply EBP - SATCo 450
Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control
Sandra Saavedra, MS, PT, PhD
Individual Webinar
1.5 Hours
OTs, OTAs, PTs & PTAs
Intermediate Level
Apply EBP - Vision Deficits - 1 - Daniella
Screening & Strategies for Vision Deficits in Children - Part 1
with Daniella Rutner, OD, MS, MBA, FAAO
Individual Webinar
1.5 Hour
OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLPs & Educators
Intermediate Level