Ask Apply EBP

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions

Inspired by commonly asked questions at our live workshops, Ask Apply EBP is a free resource for your pediatric and school-based OT, PT and Speech practice. Select a question below and see the answers and/or suggestions from experts here at Apply EBP. Want to ask a question? Complete the form at the bottom of the page.

#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 free tests for participation
#AskApplyEBP discusses the 4 elements of participation-based or occupational-based goals
#AskApplyEBP discusses the practicing and explaining multiple episodes of care
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 for-a-fee tests for participation
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 tests for ADLs
#ApplyEBPResearchRoundup compiles studies on the impact of different grasp patterns on handwriting legibility
#AskApplyEBP discusses why it is important to assess participation first!
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Balance Tests for Children with Moderate to Complex Motor Challenges
#AskApplyEBP provides a free start-of-the-year parent/guardian introduction letter template.
#AskApplyEBP recommends shifting conversations from “Frequency of Services” to “Opportunities for Practice” to gain buy-in for service reductions
#ApplyEBPResearchRoundup compiles studies on the academic benefits of recess
#AskApplyEBP provides a free ecological assessment form, and discusses its use
#AskApplyEBP discusses 8 questions to prepare you for school-based practice
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 tests for wheelchair operations
#ApplyEBPResearchRoundup compiles studies on use and effectiveness (or lack of) of weighted vests
#AskApplyEBP discusses 3 principles for selecting tests at the Activity and Body Function & Structures levels
#AskApplyEBP discusses how to shine in your interview for a school-based position
#AskApplyEBP debunks 3 misconceptions about assistive technology (AT) to promote its early adoption.
#AskApplyEBP discusses the often overlooked and unappreciated ways to delivered skilled embedded services!
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Walking Tests for short distances
#AskApplyEBP discusses 3 reasons to discontinue pediatric or school-based OT, PT and Speech services.
#AskApplyEBP discusses why we should not use the phrase "qualifying for school-based OT, PT, Speech or other related services"
#AskApplyEBP shares a video and infographic for explaining the difference between school-based and medical-based services
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 handwriting assessment tools
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Tests for Endurance that Do Not Require Walking
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Tests for Pediatric Neuromuscular Diseases
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 handwriting assessment tools
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Balance Tests for Children with Mild to Moderate Motor Challenges
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Tests for Developmental Coordination Disorder
#AskApplyEBP shares the Top 3 Walking Tests for Endurance
#AskApplyEBP discusses better alternatives to norm-referenced tests when retesting.
#AskApplyEBP discusses alternatives to the non-evidence-based cognitive referencing, when deciding need for services.
#AskApplyEBP discusses strategies in clarifying the role of school-based practitioners.
#AskApplyEBP discusses 4 strategies for including children/youth in setting their IEP goals.
#AskApplyEBP discusses 9 strategies to find relevant research to elevate your practice now!
#AskApplyEBP discusses 9 strategies to find relevant research to elevate your practice now!
#AskApplyEBP discusses why we should not use the phrase "qualifying for school-based OT, PT, Speech or other related services"
#AskApplyEBP discusses strategies to apply CO-OP priniciples in school-based practice.
#AskApplyEBP discusses an approach to screening students for school-based OT, PT or Speech services.

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Apply EBP - Video Modeling 450
Video Modeling
Erika Buckhouse Hanson, PT
Individual Webinar
1.5 Hours
OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLPs & Educators
Intermediate Level
BPBI - Patti
Brachial Plexus Birth Injury
Patti Sharp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
Individual Webinar
1.5 Hour
OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
Intermediate Level
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Health Condition
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