3 Practical Takeaways

Do Regional Differences in School-based PT Dosages Matter?

We always hear about the differences in the amount of school-based services provided by therapists from various parts of the US. Do they really exist? More importantly, do they matter?


Now we have an answer! Our first #3PracticalTakeaway of 2022 is from the paper by Caldwell et al (2022) that reviewed the differences in dosage, intervention and activities provided across the US (divided into 4 regions). As you can see in our takeaways, the answers are: yes, dosage differences do exist, but, no, they did not impact the number of students who met or exceeded their goals. So, the IEP team should be mindful of deciding the “just right” amount of services, and monitoring the student’s achievement of their goals.


By the way, there are more to learn from this study with regards to interventions and activities provided in each region. Read the article and add your takeaways in the comments section below.

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Caldwell, M., Effgen, S., Tezanos, A. V., Sylvester, L., & Jeffries, L. M. (2022). Regional Differences in School-Based Physical Therapy Practice for Students Who Made Progress on 2 Outcome Measures. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 34(1), 46-54.

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