3 Practical Takeaways

Handwriting Assessment and Intervention Recommendations for Children with DCD

Infographics for Handwriting Assessment and Intervention Recommendations for Children with DCD

How do you assess and plan interventions on handwriting in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)?


Handwriting is complex! Beyond motor planning, it involves cognitive and linguistic and motor planning variables. Each of these variables can present multiple challenges for children with DCD. So Barnett & Prunty (2020) provides suggestions for comprehensive testing that looks into this area. They then provide recommendations for interventions that have been shown to work.


By the way, one intervention they cited, The CO-OP Approach, is taught via Apply EBP by Patti Sharp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP and Erin Iverson, PT, DPT, PCS.

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Barnett, A. L., & Prunty, M. (2021). Handwriting difficulties in developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 8(1), 6-14.

More Practical Takeaways

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