3 Practical Takeaways

How Much Are We Providing Evidence-Based Interventions?

In a SeekFreaks article, I mentioned that there were no studies measuring how good pediatric PTs are at practicing based on evidence. Bailes et al (2021) finally gave us one! In this study they looked at over 28,000 interventions provided to children with CP. They even discussed how their results compared to a study on school-based practice. See our takeaways.


Would you or your team want to self-reflect on your own documented interventions? Take out your documentation, say in the past week, and compare them to the recommendations in these papers:

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Bailes, A. F., Greve, K., Long, J., Kurowski, B. G., Vargus-Adams, J., Aronow, B., & Mitelpunkt, A. (2021). Describing the Delivery of Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Intervention to Individuals With Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy33(2), 65-72.

More Practical Takeaways

#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Bray et al (2021) on handwriting & spelling interventions in children with specific Learning disabilities
#3PracticalTakeaways from the article by Steinbrenner et al (2020) on the impact of exercise to school readiness in ASD
This work by Wentz, et al (2021) encourages a shift in occupational therapy and physical therapy practice towards focusing on participation of children with Down Syndrome.

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