3 Practical Takeaways

How Self-regulation Skills in Early Childhood Predict Future Outcomes

Why is self-regulation important? Here’s the impact in later years.


In this week’s #3PracticalTakeaways from the meta-analysis by Robson, et al (2020), we highlight the associations of self-regulations in preschool and early school years (~age 8) to future outcomes. This highlights the importance of promoting self-regulation skills to our young clients. There are multiple proven ways to do so.  At Apply EBP, we recommend multiple positive approaches to fostering self-regulation with our course, Experts Series: Multiple Strategies for your Self-Regulation Toolbox, where 3 experts cover: Sensory processing and behavior, Mindfulness interventions, Self-management and Executive Functions.



Read the article by Robson et al (2020) and add your takeaways in the comments section below.

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Robson, D. A., Allen, M. S., & Howard, S. J. (2020). Self-regulation in childhood as a predictor of future outcomes: A meta-analytic review. Psychological bulletin, 146(4), 324.

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