Adiaha Spinks-Franklin, MD, MPH, FAAP
Adiaha Spinks-Franklin, MD, MPH, FAAP is an African American cis-gender woman who is a board certified Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician, wife, mother, and grandmother. She is a life-long anti-oppression/pro-liberation child advocate and is a Social Justice Warrior Physician. She has more than 20 years’ experience in caring for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and behavior disorders in the US and globally, and in training pediatric health care professionals in the US and abroad. She holds leadership positions in many national pediatric professional organizations. She identifies as Wonder Woman.
- Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia)
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
Recent National Presentations
American Academy of Pediatrics Practical Pediatrics Course, June 9-11, 2023
a. “Racism: An Adverse Childhood Experience”
b. “Do the Work! Employing the Bright Futures Health Equity Resource”
c. “What do I prescribe? Basic Psychopharmacology”
d. “Creating a Culturally-Responsive Pediatric Practice”—90-minute seminar given twice
American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition, Anaheim CA, October 7-11, 2022
a. Workshop: “Autism and the Medical Home”
b. Seminar: “Teens, Screens, & COVID-19: Problematic Use of the Internet (PUI) Among Children & Teens With ADHD During the Pandemic”
Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference workshop “Critical Race Theory in Medicine (MedCRT): Origins, Applications, & Future Translation to Education, Clinical Practice, & Research, April 23, 2022
American Academy of Pediatrics Virtual National Conference & Exhibition Council on Foster Care, Kinship Care, and Adoption H Program Keynote address “Help Still Wanted: Supporting the Developmental and Behavioral Health Needs Post-Adoption”, October 11, 2021.
American Academy of Pediatrics Virtual National Conference & Exhibition presentation “Intersection of the Pandemic, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Social Determinants of Health on Children with Developmental Disabilities, co-presented with Jean Raphael, MD, MPH, Philadelphia PA October 9, 2021
Grand Rounds, “Racism: A Societal Pathogen”, Department of Pediatrics, Montefiore Children’s Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYC NY, October 6, 2021
C. C., Baum, R. A., Fussell, J., Korb, D., Leslie, L. K., Spinks-Franklin, A., & Voigt, R. G. (2022). Defining Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. Pediatrics, e2021054771. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2021-054771
Unaka NI, Winn A, Spinks-Franklin A, Poitevien P, Trimm F, Nuncio Lujano BJ, Turner DA. An Entrustable Professional Activity Addressing Racism and Pediatric Health Inequities. Pediatrics. 2022 Jan 10:e2021054604. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-054604. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35001103.
Walton JR, Spinks-Franklin A. Discrimination and the Role of the Clinician. Pediatrics. 2021 Dec 1;148(6):e2021053619. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-053619. PMID: 34814178.
Loe, Irene M, Froehlich, Tanya, Edrees, Hanein H, Spinks-Franklin, Adiaha. Racism as an Adverse Childhood Experience: An Interactive Workshop to Train Pediatricians to Address Racism in Clinical Care. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. Pre-publication, April 2021
Spinks-Franklin, Adiaha I. A. MD, MPH, FAAP Wake Up. Get Woke. Stay Woke!, Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: September 2020 – Volume 41 – Issue 7 – p 501-503. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000858
Catch Adiaha in...
Upcoming Workshops
7th Online School-based OT and PT Symposium
- March 27-28, 2025, 8:20 am - 3:30 pm Eastern Time
- Online via Zoom
- OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
- $349-449
6th Online School-based OT and PT Symposium - On-demand Version
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- On-Demand Version
- OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
- $399-449