Amy M. Schlessman, PT, DPT, DHSc
Amy M. Schlessman, PT, DPT, DHSc has ~20 years primarily in the school-based setting, promoting physical activity embedded into academics, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the use of technology in therapy, while closely working with educators, administrators, therapists, and parents. She is an assistant professor in the DPT program at Tufts University in Phoenix, AZ. She has conducted numerous dynamic presentations for teachers, parents and therapists regionally and nationally. She also published an activity book, “Recycle Bin Boogie: Move and Learn with Recyclables,” which combines movement and learning with common, household recyclables.
- Promoting movement/physical activity in the classroom
- Move and learn with recyclable
- Ergonomics for pediatric clients
- Utilizing technology in treatment sessions, exercise programs and documentation
Schlessman A, Van Zant RS, Alvarez A, Ard T, Harden G, Paulhardt N, Truong J, Young J. Physical Therapists as Patients: Perceptions of Patient Satisfaction of Physical Therapy Treatment. Poster Presentation at American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, February 5, 2022
Schlessman A., Barreca J., Stephenson P., Prasad A., Arner L. Let’s Collaborate! Developing Collaborative Student Goals in School-based Practice: How and Why? Professional Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 21, 2021, virtual conference
Schlessman A., Greenwood J. Beating Burnout: Creating a Healthy Work Environment and Improving Team Resilience. Professional Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 20, 2021, virtual conference
Boynewicz K., Carey H., Catalino T., Furze J., Schlessman A. Mid Career Faculty: Where am I Going and How Do I Get There? Professional Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference. November 20, 2021, virtual conference
Schlessman A. Simple, Creative Tools to Embed More Movement into Schools. Platform Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Innovations in School-Based Physical Therapy Practice, Annual Conference, July 31, 2021
Schlessman A. Promoting Participation: Recess Re-energized. Professional Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 2020, virtual conference
- Schlessman A. Beat the Burnout: Strategies to Succeed. Professional Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 2020, virtual conference
- Schlessman A. Game On! Board Games and Card Games to Make Therapy… Ther-yippe! Practice Fair Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 2020, virtual conference
- Schlessman A. Online Active Learning Strategies (Synchronous and Asynchronous) for Pediatric Physical Therapy Educators. Practice Fair Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 2020, virtual conference
- Schlessman A., Barreca J. Let’s Collaborate with School-Based PTs! Considerations and Strategies for Interprofessional Goal Writing. Proposal Number: 13124. Professional Presentation at Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. November 2020, San Diego, California (convention cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Bennett A, Walsh S, Schlessman A. Physical Therapy for Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy Post Tenex Procedure in a 65 Year-Old Community Dwelling Adult. Poster Presentation at American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, February 13, 2020.
- Schlessman A. Circle Time Makeover- Creative Spins on Classic Favorites! Professional Presentation at National Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual Conference, November 20-23, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee
- Schlessman A. Assisting Families in Disaster Planning. Poster Presentation at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Annual Conference, November 15-17, 2019, Anaheim, California
- Schlessman A. Recycle Bin Boogie: Move and Learn with Recyclables. Professional Presentation at National Council for Science and the Environment Student Sustainability Leaders Conference, Annual Conference, October 5, 2019, Findlay, Ohio
- Teeple K., Schlessman A. Social- Emotional Learning through Children’s Literature: A Community Based Approach. Professional Presentation at American School Health Association, Annual Conference, October 4, 2019, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Schlessman A. The Ultimate Creativity Kit: Simple Materials to Move and Learn! Simple, creative strategies for embedding physical activity into the classroom for school age children. Practice Fair at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC). November 18, 2017, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Schlessman A. Recycle Bin Boogie: Move and Learn with Recyclables. Practice Fair at Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC) Practice Fair. November 18, 2017, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Schlessman A., Gahimer J. Six Easy Steps for Accessing and Applying the Evidence to Clinical Decisions in Neurological Rehabilitation. Professional Presentation at American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition, June 28, 2007, Denver, Colorado
- Schlessman A. (chair), Barreca J., Sivils K., Galitzer S., Hodges B., Hovis C., McGuff S., Stevens J. Developing Collaborative IEP Goals. APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Fact Sheet. March 2021. Accessed June 29, 2021. https://pediatricapta.org/includes/fact-sheets/pdfs/FactSheet_DevelopingCollaborativeIEPGoals_2021.pdf
- Schlessman A., George S., George D. Open the Boundaries: Creating Innovations for Rehabilitation of the Pediatric Patient through Telehealth. Global Health- an Online Journal for the Digital Age, [S.I.], v. 8, n. 1, Feb, 2021. ISSN 1937-514X. Available at: https://journals.findlay.edu/index.php/gh/article/view/176.
- Schlessman, A. M., Martin, K., Ritzline, P. D., & Petrosino, C. L. “The role of physical therapists in pediatric health promotion and obesity prevention: comparison of attitudes.” Pediatric physical therapy 23.1 (2011): 79-86.
- Schlessman A. Choose PT Campaign, Physical Therapy Videos: “Family Fun: Ideas To Add Physical Activity to Your Child’s Day.” Available at: https://www.choosept.com/patientresources/videolibrary/detail/family-fun-ideas-to-add-physical-activity-to-your- Choose PT, American Physical Therapy Association, July 2, 2020
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