Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT, ABPTS-Certified PCS
Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT, ABPTS-Certified PCS is a school-based physical therapist, adjunct faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University and the creator of Fit4Work. Her primary areas of expertise are on health, wellness and participation in school and work environments for youth with developmental disabilities. She is an active member of the APTA, Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy and serves as Co-Chair of the Practice Development Committee and members of Adults with Developmental Disabilities and School Special Interest Groups and has co-authored numerous fact sheets. She has published in the areas of developmental disability, physical activity and use of the Guide to PT Practice in peer reviewed journals. She is the author of Fit4Work: Fitness for Vocational Tasks for Youth with Disabilities.
- Health, wellness and participation in school and work environments for youth with developmental disabilities
- School-based practice
- Magnusson, D., Johnson, C. Applying population health frameworks in pediatric physical therapist practice to promote child and family wellness. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Knoxville, TN 2018
- Johnson, C., Rose, D. Fit for Work: Fitness for Vocational Tasks for Youth with Disabilities. Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, 2015
- Johnson, C., Rose, D. Pediatric Practice Forum: Outcome Measurement. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, 2012
- Johnson, C., Palisano, R., Rose, D. Evidence Based Physical Therapy to Optimize Participation of Students with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy in Education Programs. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA 2011
- Peer-reviewed:
- Laverdure PA, Nemec E, Johnson CC, Blake, TR. (2021). Evaluating interventions that improve participation in chores in children and youth with disabilities: A systematic review. J OT Schools & EI. Retrieved from https:doi.org/10.1080/19411243.2021.1875384.
- Johnson CC, and Osborne MB. Commentary on “Gait Training With Visual Feedback and Proprioceptive Input to Reduce Gait Asymmetry in Adults With Cerebral Palsy: A Case Series”. Pediatr Phys Ther; 2017:29(2):145.
- Porciuncula F, Johnson, CC, Glickman L. (2012). The effect of vestibular rehabilitation on adults with bilateral vestibular hypofunction: a systematic review. J Vestib Res; 2012:22(5-6):283-98.
- Johnson CC, Long T. Use of diagnosis and prognosis by pediatric physical therapists. Pediatric Physical Therapy; 2010:22(4):392-398.
- Johnson, CC, Long T. Use of the guide to physical therapist practice by pediatric physical therapists. Pediatr Phys Ther; 2009:21(2):176-186. Johnson, CC. The benefits of physical activity for youth with developmental disabilities: A systematic review. Am J Health Promot, 2009:23(3), 157-167.
- Invited:
- Johnson C. & Iannotti, A. Fit4Work Unplugged, Pre-Conference Session. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association, Child and Youth Conference, 2021
- Johnson C. Fit4Work and Adapted Physical Education: Using Fitness, Ergonomic and Work Capacity Concepts for Youth with Disabilities in Schools, State of Maryland Adapted Physical Education Steering Committee, 2020
- Johnson C. Work Capacity Programs in School Settings: Addressing the Vocational Needs of Youth with Disabilities, Illinois CASE, 2020
- Johnson C. Work Capacity Programs in School Settings: Addressing the Vocational Needs of Youth with Disabilities, New York City Public Schools, 2019
- Johnson C. Work Capacity Programs in School Settings: Addressing the Vocational Needs of Youth with Disabilities, Wisconsin Schools (CASE), 2017
- Johnson C. Work Capacity Programs in School Settings: Addressing the Vocational Needs of Youth with Disabilities, Keynote Address. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association, School Symposium, 2017
- Johnson C. Fitness Assessment for Physical Therapists, Arkansas Physical Therapy Association, 2016
- Johnson C, Rose D. Foundations of School Based Therapy Practice: Linking ICF, Evaluation, & Goal Attainment Scaling. Lead PT/OT Meeting, Virginia Department of Education, Charlottesville, VA, 2013
- Peer-reviewed: