
Karen Tartick, PT
Karen Tartick , PT has been practicing for over 30 years in a variety of settings, including outpatient, early intervention, acute care, NICU, & schools. She currently practices as a physical therapy consultant for autistic adults. Karen served as a member of the Autism subcommittee of the APTA School-based Special Interest Group & co-authored the Autism Spectrum Guide for parents on Move Forward PT. She is an APTA Advanced Clinical Instructor & an adjunct faculty member at UNC, Chapel Hill. As a mother of an autistic adult, she provides a unique perspective into meaningful services for autistic children and youth.
- Integrating Services into the School Day
- Addressing the Needs of Autistic Children
- Collaboration and Transition Between Settings
- Communication and Collaboration with Families of Children and Youth with Disabilities
- APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, Texas – February 2017 | Motor Learning in Autism | with Liliane Savard, PT, DPT, PCS | Audience: Pediatric PTs
- APTA’s Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference, Keystone, CO | November 2016 | Addressing the Needs of Students with Autism: A Dual Perspective as a School-Based PT and as a Parent of a Son with Autism | Audience: Pediatric PTs
- APTA’s Innovations in School-based Physical Therapy Practice, Milwaukee, WI – July 2016 |Integrating Physical Therapy into the Classroom| Audience: School-based PTs
- NYC DOE Physical Therapy Month Conference – October 2015 | 2 Presentations: Addressing the Needs of Students with Autism & Integrating Physical Therapy into the Classroom | Audience: School-based PTs
- APTA’s Innovations in School-based Physical Therapy Practice, Anaheim, CA – July 2015 | Integrating Physical therapy into the Classroom | Audience: School-based PTs
- North Carolina APTA’s Spring Conference, Greensboro, NC- Spring 2015 |Yoga as a Physical Therapy Intervention for Special Education Students in Durham Public Schools| Audience: Pediatric PTs
- North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children, Greensboro, NC – October 2014 | Physical Therapy and Adapted Physical Education Collaboration / Audience: School-based PTs, APE specialists and educators
- Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association. “Strategies for PT Collaboration with School-based Teams for children with ASD” December 2016
- Move Forward APTA Physical Therapist’s Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder August 2014
Catch Karen in...
Upcoming Workshops
7th Online School-based OT and PT Symposium
- March 27-28, 2025, 8:20 am - 3:30 pm Eastern Time
- Online via Zoom
- OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
- $349-449
6th Online School-based OT and PT Symposium - On-demand Version
- Watch and re-watch on your own time
- On-Demand Version
- OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
- $399-449