Matthew J. Barker, M.Ed.
Matt Barker, M.Ed. is a passionate Adapted PE Teacher in Alexandria, VA. He is the owner of EnrichEd and the creative mind for JustAdaptIt.com & NetflexKids.com where he shares his many ideas for promoting physical activities for students with many disabilities via adaptations and video modeling. He has also presented internationally on inclusive PE practices.
- Adapting PE activities
Adapted PE Workshop. San Diego Unified School District. 11 October 2024. San Diego, CA.
Advocacy in Adapted P.E. NCPEID APE Collaborative. 24 September 2024. Online
Keynote: Bridging Ability and Activity Through Assistive Technology in APE. The International Scientific Conference: Theory & Practice in APE. 6-7 March 2024. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Cross Curricular Activities in Adapted P.E. Catskill Zone Mini-Conference. 7 November 2023. New York – Hybrid.
Just Adapt It. Assistive Technology in Adapted P.E. Texas Region 10: Adapted PE Summit. 13 September 2023. Texas – Hybrids.
- Netflex Kids: https://netflexkids.com/
- Just Adapt It.: https://justadaptit.com/
- EnrichEd: https://enrichedva.com/
- Digit the APE Linktree: https://linktr.ee/DigitTheAPE
Catch Matt in...
Upcoming Workshops
7th Online School-based OT and PT Symposium
- March 27-28, 2025, 8:20 am - 3:30 pm Eastern Time
- Online via Zoom
- OTs, OTAs, PTs and PTAs
- $349-449