Pam Stephenson, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA
Pam Stephenson, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA has enjoyed working in various interprofessional teams across pediatric settings, including in schools and in early intervention, as well as in adult settings. Pam is a past Chairperson of the AOTA’s Children and Youth Special Interest Section (CYSIS). She currently teaches at Mary Baldwin University in Fishersville, VA.
- Contextual/embedded services
- School-based practice
- Early intervention
- Montgomery, M., & Stephenson, P. (2021). Occupational therapy’s role in youth mental health. Conference session to be presented at AOTA’s Children & Youth Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Costello, P. & Stephenson, P. (2021). Authentic assessment in action: Practice applications. Conference session to be presented at AOTA’s Children & Youth Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Stephenson, P., & Costello, P. (2020/21). Authentic assessment in pediatrics: A natural fit for occupational therapy. Conference session presented at AOTA’s Children & Youth Specialty Conference (virtual 2020) and also AOTA’s Inspire annual conference (virtual 2021).
- Stephenson, P., Bolton, T., Costello, P., Garfinkel, M., & Minard, M. (2021). What’s the scoop in children & youth? CYSIS explores hot topics, evidence-based practice and practice trends. Presentation at American Occupational Therapy Association Specialty Children & Youth conference (virtual).
- Stephenson, P. & Kaye, M. (2020). Partnering with families: Honoring diversity and promoting inclusive practices in pediatrics. Short course #312 accepted at AOTA Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (Conference canceled).
- Kaye, M., & Stephenson, P. (2020). Transitions in pediatric practice: Supporting children and
their families through changes in services, providers and environments. Short course #259
accepted at AOTA Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (Conference canceled). - Garfinkel, M., & Stephenson, P. (2020). The distinct value of universal design for learning (UDL)
programming. Short course #112 accepted at AOTA Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (Conference canceled). - Stephenson P. (2019). Fostering student resilience in an interprofessional context. Poster presentation at AOTA Education Summit, New Orleans, LA.
- Stephenson, P., & Frolek Clarke G. (2019). Transitioning to school-based practice: A primer for
practitioners. Pre-conference institute at AOTA Children & Youth specialty conference. Orlando, FL. - Stephenson, P., & Costello, P. (2019). Interprofessional collaboration across children & youth practice settings: Successes and challenges. Conversations That Matter session at AOTA annual conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Stephenson, P., Laverdure, P., Clark, G. F., & Cosbey, J. (2019). Transitioning to school-based practice: A primer for practitioners. Workshop presentation at AOTA annual conference 2019, New Orleans, LA.
- Stephenson, P. (2018/19) How does providing Jail-based services impact OT students’ perceptions of occupational justice? Poster presentation at Virginia Occupational Therapy Association state conference, Wintergreen Resort 2018 & AOTA annual conference 2019, New Orleans, LA.
- Sheard, K., Burns, L., Hull, H., & Stephenson, P. (2019). I’m supporting an OT Capstone experience! What will make it successful? Poster presentation at AOTA annual conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Stephenson, P. & Cahill, S. (2018) Occupational Profiles: An essential element of practice. Paper
presentation at AOTA annual conference, Salt Lake City, UT. - Burns, L., Hull, H., Sheard, K., & Stephenson, P. (2018). I’m supporting an occupational therapy capstone experience! What will make it successful? Presentation at Virginia Occupational Therapy Association state conference, Wintergreen Resort.
- Laverdure, P., & Stephenson, P. (2018). Inspiring change: Implementing inclusive, contextual and collaborative services. Presentation at AOTA’s Children & Youth Specialty Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
- Laverdure, P., Stephenson, P., Cosbey, J., & Seruya, F. (2018). Documenting outcomes in occupation-based service delivery in school settings. Annual Children & Youth Committee presentation at AOTA conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Stephenson, P., Minard, C., Suarez, M., & Kaye, M. (2021). Adopting an evidence-informed approach in children and youth practice. OT Practice, CE1-CE10. September.
- Stephenson, P. (2021). Best practices in interventions in the natural environment. Best Practices in Early Intervention. Eds: Gloria Frolek Clark & Stephanie Lane. AOTA Press.
- Stephenson, P., & Costello, P. (2020). Playing well together: Interprofessional practice in pediatrics, AOTA’s SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 5(1), 5–7.
- Stephenson, P., Koester, A., & Cronin, A. (2020). Conveying occupational therapy’s distinct value in pediatrics: Who are we and what do we do? AOTA’s OT Practice, 4/27/2020. (Online due to COVID-19). https://tinyurl.com/y7nxpez9
- Stephenson, P. (2019). Building resilience and minimizing burnout in school-based practice Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, DOI:10.1080/19411243.2019.1590754
- Laverdure, P., Stephenson, P., & McDonald, M. (2019). Using the occupational therapy framework to guide the evaluation process and make assessment choices in school practice. Continuing Education article. AOTA’s OT Practice February, CE1-CE8.
- Stephenson, P., & Holt, E. (2019). Collaborating to support participation in the classroom. AOTA’s OT Practice, February, 10-13.
- Yelverton, C, Martin, P, & Stephenson, P. (2018). Creating career pathways: Assistive technology and occupational therapy for transitions to the workplace. AOTA’s OT Practice, August 6, 8-13.
- Stephenson, P., Laverdure, P., Seruya, S. M., & Cosbey, J. (2017). Not just for children: Facilitating behavior change in school-based practice. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2(4), 2-4.
- Laverdure, P., Seruya, F., Stephenson, P., & Cosbey, J. (2016). Paradigm transitions in pediatric practice: Tools to guide practice. AOTA Special Interest Section Quarterly, 1(2), 5-7.
- Stephenson, P. (2016). Critically Appraised Paper for “Effectiveness of a summer camp intervention for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder”. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 35(2), 163-177. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association, Evidence-Based Practice Project.
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