Headshot of instructor, Pam Cummings

Pamela Cummings, M.Ed., PT

Pamela Cummings, M.Ed., PT has over 30 years of experience in all areas of pediatric physical therapy including perinatal care, NICU, PICU, inpatient, school-based, clinic-based, and home-based. She is the director and physical therapy consultant for the I-Team Early Intervention Project, an interdisciplinary team supporting local early intervention teams in their work with infants and toddlers with complex developmental and/or medical profiles, and the 24-Hour Postural Care Project, supporting local providers in their work with children and young adults with motor disorders. Both projects use a technical assistance and training model and are housed at the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont. Pam is passionate about 24-Hour Postural Care for children of all ages, routines-based interventions, and finding creative
positioning and equipment options to increase access and participation.

      • Early Intervention
      • Positioning and equipment acquisition
      • Routines-Based Outcomes and Interventions
      • 24-Hour Postural Care
      • Access and Participation

Cummings, P; Clayton, S. (April 2023) Integrating 24-Hour Postural Care into your Therapeutic Positioning Practice. International Seating Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

Catch Pam in...

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