- 6 Hours
- OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs & Educators
- Intermediate Level
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Evidence-based Assessment and Interventions
Is it difficult for your pediatric client to learn basic motor skills despite having no known diagnosis? Can they learn motor skills with you, but cannot apply the skills in the real world? Learn to identify children with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), and provide them with proven therapy interventions, via virtual or in-person services!
Patti will start this workshop by teaching you how to use the right assessment tools to satisfy the 4 Criteria set by the DSM-5 for a diagnosis of DCD. She will then discuss important research on various interventions for DCD, so you can use what works, and avoid what do not! You will immerse yourself in Patti’s treatment sessions via case studies and videos, as she demonstrates 6 evidence-based strategies that you can apply the very next day you can incorporate in your interventions right away…whether you work in a school, at home or in a clinic.
Finally, you will learn decision-making algorithms that Patti uses to differentiate DCD from co-morbid or similar conditions…such as sensory processing difficulties (SPD) , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and joint hypermobility. She will utilize multiple case studies to demonstrate her clinical reasoning process, as the right diagnosis is critical to children’s success!
You will leave the course with practical tools and strategies that you can use the very next day you return to work! See Bonus Tools tab below.
Patti Sharp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP is a Certified CO-OP Instructor. She is a pediatric therapist from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where she co-leads the Developmental Coordination Disorder Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge Team. She works with children and youth with DCD, autism, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, sensory integration difficulties, orthopedic and neurologic injuries, and developmental delay. Patti is excited to share her passion for evidence-based practices with her therapy colleagues.
“This session had me start thinking about some students on my caseload that likely have DCD. I want to try different treatment approaches with them and work more top down.” – PT with 30 years of experience
“This was a great course! The video example is very helpful to explain the material. I was able to think of many of my students and brainstorm how the provided assessments and interventions will be helpful!” – OT with 3 years experience
To help you apply what you learned the very next day you return to work, you will leave the course with your Practical Toolkit, which includes:
- Identifying DCD using the DSM-5
- Resources: Links to Assessment Tools and Must-Reads
- Resources for DCD Management
- Chart: 6 Strategies for DCD Interventions
- Differential Diagnosis Algorithms
- Differential Diagnosis Summary
Catch DCD in...
Live Format Workshops
Or Learn More with Patti's DCD On-Demand Webinars
DCD - Differential Diagnosis
DCD - Interventions 2: Teletherapy
DCD - Interventions 1
DCD Bundle: In-person & Virtual Services
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