- 6 Hours
- OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLP & Educators
- Intermediate Level
Experts Series: The IEP Process, Documentation and Conflict Resolution
Are you looking for practical guidance on the IEP process and documentation? Are you stuck with goals that are impossible to monitor? Are you confused about providing indirect services via Supplementary Aids and Services? Are you in desparate need of effective strategies for resolving conflicts in IEP team meetings?
Apply EBP’s Experts Series is here to help. Learn from 3 experts on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, documentation and conflict resolution. In Seminar 1, Jen starts of the day by explaining the OT, PT and SLP perspectives on the development of the IEP document and the IEP meeting process. Jen will provide guidance and examples on completing various parts of the IEP document, such as the Present Level of Performance, Annual Goals and Progress Reporting, via a case study of a student receiving OT, PT and Speech services. In Seminar 2, Peggy will provide you with her concrete strategies to creating goals that are easy to monitor. She will also illustrate the cretion of an accompanying simple data collection system to track progress that will help you decide whether the child is on track, or it’s time to modify their goals or interventions. In Seminar 3, You will learn a step-by-step decision-making for providing your expertise via Supplementary Aids and Services, including documentation required for the IEP. You will leave with a worksheet/template and clinical reasoning prompts for each step, to guide you and your IEP team’s decision-making. Finally, in Seminar 4, Sue will provide you a positive view and approach to conflict as an opportunity to clarify various perspectives, and engage the team in productive problem-solving. You will learn a practical 5-Step Conflict Resolution. You will learn to frame decisions using IDEA, state practice acts and professional association’s (AOTA, APTA, ASHA) Code of Ethics. For full course descritption about each seminar, download Brochure here.
Leave this course with evidence-informed tools and strategies from Jen, Peggy & Sue to help you contribute to the IEP process and document with confidence! See Bonus Practical Tools tab below.
Jennifer Wissinger, PT, DPT serves early intervention and preschool children in Columbus, Ohio. She is a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric PT with over 15 years of experience practicing in public school districts (preschool through high school), county board of developmental disability programs for adults, home health care, and early intervention.
Peggy Morris, OTD, OTR/L, BCP has 30+ years of experience in pediatric practice. She worked in early intervention, private practice and out-patient rehab services, but most of her experience and passion is in school-based practice. She is a Lecturer and OTD Program Coordinator for Tufts University. She is Board Certified in Pediatrics through the AOTA, and a regular SeekFreaks contributor.
Sue Cecere, PT, MHS is the owner of Sequoia School Based Therapy Solutions, LLC, a consulting company that supports districts, agencies and therapists in the practice of school-based therapy services. Her career spans 25 years in the school based and early intervention practice settings as a service provider and program administrator. She co-authored several APTA fact sheets on school practice issues.
“Comprehensive overview of the IEP process, including collaborative planning and implementation ideas.” – PT with 35 years experience, on Jen’s seminar
“I especially liked the data collection systems. I feel that teachers or paras would be less resistance to fill out the simple yes/no data collection.” – OT with 9 years experience, on Peggy’s seminar
“I found this to be a very informative and thought-provoking course which provided immediate ideas for many of my students.” – OT with 20 years experience on EBP for Direct and Indirect
To help you apply what you learned the very next day you return to work, you will leave the course with your Practical Toolkit from each of the 4 seminars, which includes:
- OT, PT, Speech and Other Related Services’ Role in the IEP Process – The IEP and Me: Resources: IDEA-IEP Quick Links; Checklist: Measurable Annual Goals; Fillable Worksheet: Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance
- Creating Goals that Are Easy to Monitor – Checklist: Goals that Are Easy to Monitor; and Spreadsheet: Goal Monitoring and Decision-Making Chart
- Supplementary Aids and Services – Apply EBP SaS Toolkit: Templates and Prompts for the 5 Steps of SaS Decision-making; Data Collection Chart: Did I Receive My Accommodations?; SaS Advocacy Talking Points
- Conflicts Resolution in IEP Team Decision-Making – Ethical Considerations; The 5 Practical Steps of Conflict Resolution
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The IEP Process, Documentation & Conflict Resolution Bundle
The 5 Practical Steps to Conflict Resolution
Supplementary Aids and Services
School-based: Laws & Regulations
Goals that Are Easy to Monitor
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