- 6 Hours
- PTs and PTAs
- Intermediate Level
Pediatric Tests for Balance and Mobility
Free, Quick and Functional Tools
Are the tests you are using for balance and mobility helping you determine and explain your pediatric client’s real-world performance? Are they helpful in planning your interventions?
This highly interactive workshop bridges the gap between tests and their applicability to real-world activities in school, at home & in the community. Carlo will present 20 essential pediatric tests of balance and mobility that are functional, and require minimal materials. Time is a scant resource…so most tests included can be completed in 15 minutes or less. Tests will cover a wide range of disabilities (mild to severe) and ages (3-18 years). Current literature will be presented to ensure reliable test administration, and to provide norms or small-group averages. You will learn to interpret and relate test results to the child’s activities throughout the day in school and at home, to assist you in determining need for your services, and in planning interventions & adaptive equipment needs. Carlo will provide you with DOs and DON’Ts for re-testing to monitor outcomes. This course has multiple hands-on laboratory time so you can practice administration, scoring and interpretation of tests. Activewear is recommended!
Leave the course with your toolbox packed with tests and measures that you can confidently apply to your every day practice!
For more details, select a scheduled course below.
Carlo Vialu, PT, MBA is co-author and co-publisher of www.SeekFreaks.com, an evidence-based online resource for pediatric PTs, OTs, and SLPs. From January 2008 to January 2017, he served as Director of PT for the NYC Department of Education, where he oversaw a program with over 700 PTs working in more than 1,500 schools. Carlo is the project manager of research on normative data for five mobility tests for school-aged children. Carlo keeps apprised of the latest in research and best practices as a member of both the APTA and AOTA.
“This is my second course with Mr. Vialu. I am impressed with his depth of knowledge and ability to keep his examples relevant.” – PT with 10 years of experience, on Carlo’s Tests and Measures 1 Webinar
“Excellent course to reduce the number of possible assessments to a manageable amount of easy to perform tests.” – PT with 31 years of experience, on Carlo’s Tests and Measures 1 Webinar
For the 6-Hour Course:
- List and Links to Assessment Tools
- Norms and small group averages, where available for sharing
Catch Pediatric Tests for Balance and Mobility! in...
Live Format Workshops
Or Take a 1.5 Hour Webinar on Tests and Measures
Tests & Measures 1: Balance, Walking
Tests & Measures 2: Multiple Disabilities
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