- 6 Hours
- OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLPs & Educators
- Intermediate Level
The Engaged Child!
Promoting Participation in Therapy and in Real Life
Keep your pediatric client engaged in your therapy sessions and in carrying over their skill practice at home and in school with Amy’s two (2) evidence-informed systematic approaches: her “I GOT IT!” approach to self-monitoring; and “ENGAGE for Success” approach to child-led home activity programs.
Morning Session: Self-Monitoring Strategies for Your Pediatric Client
Do you work with children who exhibit off-task behavior, negative social interactions and excessive time to complete a task? Self-monitoring of progress is an evidence-based approach that can be easily implemented in your practice and lead to better outcomes. Amy will show practitioners how to structure their sessions to promote child-led self-monitoring, with her step-by-step “I GOT IT!” approach. Modifying each stesp for children 3-21 years old, with wide-ranging abilities and needs will be addressed. Be ready to create your very own evidence-based self-monitoring treatment plan!
Afternoon Session: From Home Exercises to Child-Led Home Activity Programs
So, you prescribed a home program…how is the carry over? The effectiveness of our interventions is determined not just by what we do in our treatment sessions, but also the amount of practice that occurs after. How can we make home programs less of a chore and a struggle?
Learn Amy’s evidence-informed 6-step approach to the creation, implementation and monitoring of child-led home activity programs, using the mnemonic “ENGAGE for Success.” She will utilize real-life case studies of children from elementary to high school to demonstrate various strategies, tools, and resources that you can utilize for each step to support children’s engagement. Participants will discover how this child-led approach to home programs can promote, not just carryover, but also such skills as problem-solving, self-advocacy, goal-setting and decision-making…all necessary skills for children with disabilities to grow up to be self-determined, self-motivated and successful adults.
Leave the course with your toolkit packed with templates and strategies to use the very next day!
6 CE Hours of Training.
For more details, select a scheduled course below.
Amy Coopersmith, MOT, OTR/L, MA, Ed worked as an OT Supervisor, clinician and evaluator for the NYC Department of Education for 17 years. She is also a prolific lyricist, writing songs about Children’s Self-Determination and Mental Health. She is passionate about promoting children’s self-determination and has provided workshops at national conferences and online learning communities. Previously, Amy taught Pediatric Assessment and Treatment at Mercy College and worked for ten years as a teacher in New York City. Amy is the creator of Captain Me Songs, Videos, Lesson Plans and Social Stories to promote self-determination.
“That was wonderful and easy to take right into my school-based practice tomorrow. I don’t feel overwhelmed with information – easily digested.” – PT with 19 years experience
“Great course and very helpful resources. I have been working with my IEP teams to include self-advocacy goals for our students. With this information and related resources, my own goal is to continue to make this a priority for the students I work with.” – OT with 40+ years experience
“Great content, loved the handouts and layout to get you started.” – PTA with 7 years experience
“THANK YOU! This was an excellent class. I am eager to try the strategies.” – OT with 13 years experience
You will receive the following for attending this course:
- Fostering Engagement: Continuum of Interventions
- Self-Monitoring Chart
- Self-Monitoring Graphing Tools
- Worksheet: Planning a Self-Monitoring Strategy
- “ENGAGE for Success” Cheat Sheet
- Checklist: Reviewing My Actions
- Songs, Lesson Plans and Social Narratives
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Live Format Workshops
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The Self-Determination Strategy Toolkit
Incorporating Self-Determination
Self-Monitoring Strategies
Child-Led Home Activity Programs
Self-Determination Strategies Bundle
More Live Workshop Topics
Positioning Strategies to Promote Participation and Prevent Asymmetry
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Supporting Success of Students with ADHD
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