Using CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check in the Schools
A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Studies
Are your students struggling to acquire functional skills? Feeling limited by your current interventions? Try CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check (GPDC) framework!
The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach was created to engage children in solving performance problems and developing new skills. It is ideal for school practitioners who teach functional skills, such as writing, negotiating stairs, self-care, play, and more.
Lara will begin by explaining the CO-OP Approach’s top-down, metacognitive focus and how it differs from traditional bottom-up methods. She’ll also share research supporting CO-OP’s effectiveness across various conditions, including developmental coordination disorder, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, and other developmental disabilities.
While the comprehensive CO-OP workshop* is 2.5 days, this seminar will focus on introducing you to the GPDC framework. In the first step, Goal, you’ll learn strategies to help students set and refine goals that are meaningful to their schooling. For Plan, Lara will discuss “guided discovery”, a technique that would enable your students to identify performance breakdowns, explore personalized solutions, and write a plan. For the Do phase, Lara will describe how to support students as they practice their plans in real-life contexts. Finally, in Check, you’ll learn to engage students in reviewing the effectiveness of their plan, identifying additional breakdowns, and making necessary adjustments. Lara will present various case studies illustrating individual students learning to use a combination lock, descend stairs reciprocally, and write legibly, as well as a whole class’s experience in using GPDC to develop self-regulation strategies after recess.
Leave the course with an organized tool that empowers your students as they build new skills! Closed Captioned in English.
BONUS: PRACTICAL TOOLKIT – Cheat Sheet: CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check; Resources: for Using CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check
*To learn more about the 2.5 days Comprehensive Comprehensive CO-OP Workshop, click here.
Lara Collins Barros, OTD, OTR/L has been a school-based OT for over 25 years. She discovered the CO-OP Approach while completing her OTD at NYU and has never looked back. She had the privilege to develop “A Guide for Implementation: Using the Principles of CO-OP to Frame a Top-Down Approach with School-Aged Children” with the mentorship of Dr. Helene Polatajko of ICAN CO-OP.
Disclosures: Lara receives a speaking fee from Apply EBP, LLC. She has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
At the completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
- Distinguish the CO-OP approach from traditional bottom-up interventions
- Determine 3 goal areas in the school setting that can be addressed using CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check framework
- Apply 3 strategies in implementing CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check framework on a given case example of a student who is learning a skill in the school setting
1.5 hours of lecture
- The CO-OP Approach
- Why CO-OP Is Ideal for School-based Practice
- Using Goal-Plan-Do-Check in the Schools
- Case Studies
1.5 CE hours of training are awarded after:
- watching the video, passing the post-test (with a score of 70% or higher), and completing the course evaluation.
For OTs and OTAs
- Apply EBP, LLC is an AOTA-approved provider of CEUs (see imprimatur below for details).
For PTs and PTAs
- Apply EBP, LLC is an approved provider of CEUs for PTs and PTAs in IL, NM, NY, OK (#BAP202310011), and TX (APS #: 2703055TX)
- This webinar is approved for PTs and PTAs in CA.
- These PT state boards accept approval by other states boards, other state associations, or AOTA: AK, AZ, DE, FL, HI, IN, KS, KY, MA, MI, MT, NC, ND, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WI, WY and DC.
- These states do not require pre-approval of courses or have no CE requirements for PTs and PTAs: AL, CO, CT, GA, IA, ME, MO, NE, NH and WA.
For Teachers
- Apply EBP is an approved sponsor of CTLE for educators in New York State (#23827)
Learners must watch the video and complete course requirements, including scoring 70% or higher in the post-test to receive a certificate. Three (3) post-test retakes are allowed; if you exceed this limit, please email
Webinar Price: $65 for 60-day access to watch and re-watch
Payment Options
- Pay via Credit Card or PayPal: You are registered instantly!
- Pay via Purchase Order: Email
Cancellation Policy
There is no cancellation once webinar is purchased. You will have access to this course for at least 60 days. If the webinar becomes unavailable before the learner has had access for 60 days, Apply EBP, LLC will refund the full amount to the learner. Please email or call us if you have any questions.
Accommodations Request
Please email or call us before registering for the course with any questions or requests for accommodations. We will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations.
Complaints Resolution
We welcome all feedback. Please email or call us if you have any complaints so that we may work with you towards a resolution.
Contact Info:
Carlo Vialu
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“I loved the use of numerous case studies to help understand ways to provide push in services.” – OT with 24 years experience, on Lara’s 3 Steps to Successful Embedding of OT Services
“I loved this! I really struggle with “push in” services. This course really helped me to become more confident!” – OTA with 7 years experience, on Lara’s 3 Steps to Successful Embedding of OT Services