Patti Sharp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP

Patti Sharp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP is a pediatric Occupational Therapist, Certified CO-OP Instructor, a mother of 2 kids and a perfect Scottish terrier. She is also a consummate lover of glitter. She was born in Minnesota, went to college in Indiana, completed graduate school in Missouri, and somehow ended up living in Cincinnati, OH, where she currently works for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). She earned her Master’s in OT at Washington University and OTD at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions and has since gathered 17 years of pediatric experience. She previously worked in burns and neurorehabilitation, but now focuses on enhancing care in the developmental world. She co-leads the Developmental Coordination Disorder Community of Practice at CCHMC and is a certified Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) therapist and trainer. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She loves completing DIY home improvement, crafting, yoga, and being outside in all 4 seasons. She’s an avid reader and a shameless watcher of reality TV on Bravo and MTV!

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Brachial Plexus Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Splinting & Casting
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Burns/Scar Management/Scar Biology
  • Implementation of Evidence-based Practices
  • OT Theory
  • The CO-OP Approach, with Erin Iverson, Appleton, WI, July 2019
  • Identification and Management of Students with Developmental Coordination Disorder, Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, November 2018
  • Case Studies for the Master Clinician: Brachial Plexus Birth Injury, webinar, recorded July 2018
  • Comprehensive Management of Developmental Coordination Disorder. webinar, recorded, March 2018
  • Pediatric Trauma-Induced Conditions: Occupational Therapy Intervention Across the Continuum of Care, webinar, recorded on January 2016
  • Scar Management for Therapists; Synthesizing and Utilizing Best Evidence, webinar, recorded on October 2015
  • Pediatric Scar Management; Development and Implementation of evidence based practice, Cincinnati, OH, September 2014
  • Sharp PA, Pan B, Yakuboff K, Rothchild D. Development of a Best Evidence Statement for the Use of Pressure Therapy for Management of Hypertrophic Scarring. J Burn Care Res. 2016 Jul-Aug;37(4):255-64.
  • Nedelec B1, Carter A, Forbes L, Hsu SC, McMahon M, Parry I, Ryan CM, Serghiou MA, Schneider JC, Sharp PA, Oliveira AD, Boruff J. Practice Guidelines for the Application of Nonsilicone or Silicone Gels and Gel Sheets After Burn Injury. J Burn Care Res. May-Jun 2015;36(3):345-374.
  • Lowe A, Sharp PA, Thelen C, Warnken E. Trauma-Induced Conditions in Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents. In: Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 7th Ed. Case-Smith, J & O’Brien, J, editors. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2015: 839-862.
  • Dougherty ME & Sharp PA. Acute Burns of the Palm: Is Early Splinting Necessary? [Abstract]. Proc Am Burn Assoc; J Burn Care Res 2012;33(2): S124.
  • Parry, I., & Esselman, P. C. Collaborators: Nedelec B, Balakrishnan C, Calvert CT, Hsu SC, Crump D, Flitton MT, Gabriel V, Garner W, Helm P, Moss L, Rimmer RB, Ryan CM, Schneider JC, Sharp PA, Shetler M, Laker CY, Yohannan SK. Clinical competencies for burn rehabilitation therapists. J Burn Care Res 2011; 32(4), 458-467.
  • Sharp PA, Dougherty ME, Kagan RJ. Comparison of Exercise Benefits of Activity-Based Video Games and Traditional Therapeutic Activities [Abstract]. Proc Am Burn Assoc; J Burn Care Res 2010; 31(2): S87.
  • Sharp PA, Dougherty ME, Kagan RJ. Comparison of Shoulder Positioning with Thermoplastic Material and Focused Rigidity Casting [Abstract]. Proc Am Burn Assoc; J Burn Care Res 2009; 30(2): S66.
  • Sharp PA, Schwanholt CA, Kagan RJ, Taylor K, Keehnen J. Use of Facial Impression Material as an Interim Pressure Orthotic [Abstract]. Proc Am Burn Assoc; J Burn Care Res 2009; 30(2): S136.

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